Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Siddharth Buddhiraju (from May 2012 until July 2012)

    • Subject: Satellite image classification using Bootstrap EM

    • Institution: IIT Bombay (India)

  • Paula Craciun (from March 2012 until August 2012)

    • Subject: Boats detection and counting in Mediterranean harbors

    • Institution: West University of Timisoara, Romania

Visiting professors
  • Qiyin Fang (One week in September 2012)

    • Subject: New optical sensors for skin imaging and their biomedical applications

    • Institution: McMaster University (Canada)

  • Joseph Francos (One week in March and one week in July 2012)

    • Subject: Manifold embedding for geometric deformations estimation. Application to both remote sensing and skin imaging

    • Institution: Ben-Gurion University (Israel)

  • Ian Jermyn (One week in July 2012)

    • Subject: Object shape detection in images using prior shape information and higher order active contours

    • Institution: Durham University (UK)

  • Zoltan Kato (One week in July 2012)

    • Subject: Markov random fields for image segmentation

    • Institution: Sveged University (Hungary)

  • Nataliya Zagorodna (One month in July 2012)

    • Subject: Use of periodic or cyclic random processes for image processing, with application to both remote sensing and skin imaging

    • Institution: Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj Technical University (Ukraine)

Visits to International Teams

  • Ikhlef Bechar was visiting Dr. Ian Jermyn at Durham University, UK from October 21, 2012 until November 19, 2012.

  • Yannick Verdie visited National Institute of Informatics (Nii) in Tokyo, Japan from February 15, 2012 to June 15, 2012, funded by Nii internship exchange program. He worked there on the topic of exact sub graph matching by mixed-integer linear problem.